Seed Swap at The Library

March 26 2:00 to 4:00 pm

Do you have more seeds than you need? Want a few seeds but don't want to buy a whole packet? Come on down to the Seed Swap! We'll hook you up.

Bring your seeds in small envelopes or containers. Bring some extra envelopes, ziplocks of containers for packing any seeds your pick up at the swap. .  Prepare your seeds for swapping by labelling them with the type, variety and year of collection.   You can swap seeds you've collected from your own garden.  Or any of your extra commercially packaged seeds.

No seeds to swap?  No worries.   Some of us will have extra seed to give away.

Presented by Rossland REAL Food and the Rossland Sustainability Commission

March 26th from 2:00 to 4:00 at the Rossland Public Library.

Town: Rossland, BC
Venue: Rossland Public Library
Address: Columbia Ave (downtown), Rossland, BC