Black Jack Zoom AGM - 7 pm, Wed. Dec 1st - Members please attend.

Black Jack Ski Club members we need you! The number of members attending the AGM is required on our Community Gaming Grants application. Club engagement is important. Black Jack applies each year with the funds going directly to Skier Development. This year we received $16,000 but other similar clubs have received $25,000. Your attendance can help.

Black Jack Ski Club AGM Wednesday, December 1st, 7 pm, via Zoom. To participate, please register with Krista Svedahl at

The AGM is a great opportunity to hear summarized, up-to-date info about all the great projects accomplished during the year and exciting initiatives planned for 2021/22. Is there something you want to know or suggest? Speak up. Meet BJSC staff and your friends & neighbours who are the volunteer Board of Directors. Want to get involved? Look over the many opportunities to join our enthusiastic volunteers across the organization. Please contact Krista Svedahl at to enquire about volunteering.

See you at the AGM.