Provide Your Feedback: 100% Renewables Plan

The City of Rossland has been participating in an exciting regional collaboration to find ways to make it easier, cheaper, and faster for our community to transition to 100% renewable energy. The draft West Kootenay 100% Renewable Energy Planfocuses on transportation, heating and cooling buildings, and waste management, and potential for new renewable energy sources in our community and in the West Kootenays. 


We need your input!

Help improve the plan and set our priorities by:




The draft plan is an excellent document.  Thanks for sharing. I learned a great deal about our current situation and where our biggest opportunities lie.  It's a big document so I've taken a screen shot of the proposed path for our community:


I am looking forward to the webinar and discussing how we can achieve the targets.

I heard on Global that Vancouver is doing something similar and this turns out to be a transportation tax? Is this what it's going to turn out to be here? Are we going to be paying more?!?  We're already the highest taxed in the area!! and isn't hydropower renewable reliable electric (One of the questions in the survey)


Let me preface by saying I highly respect and give honour to anyone who is working to make the world a better place in anyway possible. Also, lots of details in the below writing piece are omitted for the sake of clarity and time.


The fact of the matter is that a massive shift in thinking is required for any meaningful impact to be had. Right now there is no plan for human society, let alone human society + robots. If you take a moment to think about what a perfect society would look like, you realize that the current value system of society is utterly twisted and there is virtually no hope of reforming it. Ideally, all humans on Earth would simply reject the current value system and begin generating a new one that is based in justifiable reason; when they started doing that they would first do a survey of all the resources on Earth and then generate solutions for how to sustain their version of an ideal society and make compromises along the way. Of course, this will never happen but I think it could happen in Canada and since our country is very prosperous, we could do it in a way that would allow for somewhat gradual change from fake money to crisp morality. In fact, the gradual change would need to be inherent to the value system shift because we would want to purport to the rest of the world that we are continuing on with limitless economic growth and we would want to do this for a variety of reasons, some of which are touched on in the next paragraph. In Canada, a peaceful revolution is the path of least resistance because reform is virtually impossible under the current values system; in the current setting, simply electing people who recognize the values system needs to be overthrown would comprise the peaceful revolution; we then would even be democratic about ripping up the millions of pages of tax laws while we end out-sourced child slavery. Once the value system is overthrown, a plan for a worthwhile society could be developed. The alternative is that hardship after hardship will occur until eventually this warped society may or may not survive and if it does survive, it is inevitable that humans will be reduced to engineered products and replaceable parts in the social machine; much like is happening already. Our society is hyper-socialized: we are told how and what to eat, how and where to sleep, how and when to raise our children, and with brain-emulating computers and other technologies on the way, these dictations are only the start. We are told recycling will make a difference but we have at least 20 bikes for every person in Canada and end-tables constantly get thrown in the garbage because their leg posts are loose; this is not any one person's fault, it is the fault of the value system; furthermore, though some believe otherwise, recycling is just a proponent of the inimical system eg. megatons of flattened cardboard being shipped across the pacific ocean every day. These are problems that exist because the values system is messed up and wrong and therefore needs to be replaced. We need to start recognizing the reality of the situation we are in, and it is especially hard to do from Canada. Autonomy, logic, and human feelings of fulfillment need to start being prioritized and protected because otherwise we will all be doomed. I am willing to entertain solutions for society that incorporate computer technology but I entirely believe that the only option for peace and human autonomy on Earth is world-wide primitive living, but again, I'm willing to compromise. Bombs are certainly coming eventually, it's just a matter of time, we are the most fruitful country on the planet after all and people just keep getting born; we don't have enough for everybody and so people are going to fight over it. Everyday the reality of what WW3 is going to be gets worst and it is best that we start preparing and the best place to start would be making at least one comprehensive plan for society, in Canada. First thing my ideal revolution consists of is lavish retirement homes and putting an end to depriving more and more native americans of their natural lifestyles everyday, however, any ideal revolution against the current value system should recognize that idealisms need to be put aside to make way for provable solutions for human existence and fulfillment. Micro-concessions to the environment will get solved as we steam roll towards a properly engineered society and the only way that we will get a properly engineered society is making a plan.


Moving forward is all that matters, forget the past. One of the biggest proponents of what causes stress and feelings of overwhelmment in Canada is the fact that one's ability to succeed up the fake money food chain is constantly overshadowed by the fact that any risks or disobedience they may commit might negatively affect their or their families well being, upto and including: leaving them destitute in a society that offers no options for natural living. Put into different words: food water and shelter shouldn't be in the same class as jet skis bank bonds and 100 million dollar yachts - especially if we're going to discard the natural world. The cornerstone values of this society are ownership, obedience, concentrated power, and paths of least resistance; the grave impacts these bedrock values will have upon human existence have not yet been realized. We need to completely detach ourselves from the current value system, revolt against it, we need to start valuing sustainability, the preservation of human autonomy - simply anything that makes sense in the fields of equality, autonomy, and human fulfillment. More rules are not the answer and if you can accept that then you can realize that trying to reform this society to one that works under the current value system is virtually impossible. And again, while I deeply respect the efforts of all that are working to make this world a better place and I especially value the minds that created the posted document, I think an entire shift in thinking is required for any meaningful change to occur. Furthermore, I believe that while the things in the provided document are all worth doing, the mindset is still based in the current value system making it essentially null -and that is simply a fault that I am pointing out and I do not intend to be negative I just mean to impress that micro solutions will ultimately be fruitless, especially if the ruling class seizes renewables and robots for themselves. [and to add to this, I'm sick of this being primarily a man's world and I'm laying a vendetta in this piece: once a man makes a choice and consummates with a woman, his input on what does or doesn't happen inside of the woman's body ends. There can be no ambiguity about what someone can and can't do to their body and it is as simple as that. While some believe that killing a fetus is philosophically wrong, kangaroos throw their joey's at pursuing predators and so I invite someone who agrees with forcing others to do, or not do things with their god-damned bodies to philosophize that. All that matters is that we reserve the rights to modify our meat spacesuits; the only thing that makes us living and breathing is our nervous system and everything else is just a supplementary process; modern technology may allow for some considerable meat spacesuit modifications and so we must ensure we are all autonomous in our rights. Further, in regards to the man's world, women are much better with details than men and we need to capitalize on that more, their power in the details is characterized well in the posted document; we should work to make this world better for women and that would start with eliminating the self-esteem issues that this society forces upon young women and start idealizing women like we do men: capable of anything.] The first thing we need to do is a resource survey and use that survey to start thinking about centralizing supply chains and the such and we need to stroke all the world leaders' egos while we do so; the ultimate goal would be fully sustainable cities that are centric to human need and autonomy and once we got all the engineering done and the resources secured, we could have a lot of fun with it: we could have party city, family city, etc., but again, idealisms. Furthermore, we need to secure laser defence systems or something and it wouldn't be a bad idea to start trying to stretch the united states as thin as possible so that when they come for us we might be able to take them. (And remember, physical security against bombs is but one of the benefits of moving towards a logically planned society.) So moving forward: recognize war is coming, peacefully revolt against the current value system and implement one based in morality and logic and with it make a plan for a society that keeps humans at the top. Right now society is mostly being driven by chance and emotion and so using reason, we will surely be able to protect the humans of Canada; there's a lot of people in a lot of countries that are walking dead and we simply need to have a forward-thinking approach that focuses upon ourselves. The current answer to the migrant crisis in the EU is trying to capsize boats full of families, when the issue becomes magnified we will need to move forward and so let us make a plan so that we can do all we can about the serious issues that are coming. 


So again, let us make a plan for this entire society because it is completely out of control. We can continue making micro-solution documents like the one posted but we need to make at least one top-level, fully comprehensive engineering document that details how we plan to build society in its entirety and how we plan to protect individuality and human choice. Whether the humans in Canada have the sense to recognize the virtual immediate need for a plan or not, and whether they decide to act or not, matters to me only because there will be future humans that will be deserving of sanctity and life and so I want to do whatever I can for them and right now the actualization of that is honing my writing skills and my message. 




Thank you








Some thoughts and writings in this piece were plagiarized from Ted Kaczynski.


I really want to stress that I deeply value the posted document since the above writing doesn't entirely reflect that. Thank you for all the contributions from everyone involved. I should have mentioned in the above writing that the posted document has value in a variety of ways and that we simply need to plan a general goal to work towards so that the micro-solution documents have an overall basis of reasoning and that is simply impossible under the current value system. I did not mean to invalidate which is almost how my writing comes off and so I apologize. The posted document is very well done.